Saturday, November 04, 2006


Democracy is 73.387 % Dead in South Carolina

After more than a year of squabbling over this low life politician and that no count politician, all of this squabling seemed to have missed one small point.

Representative democracy is 73.387% dead in the South Carolina State House. Therefore, things are not likely to change that much in the SC General Assembly.

In this Election Year of our Lord, 2006, 91 out or the 124 election contests for SC Statehouse Representative are uncontested. There is only one candidate on the ballot for those House Districts.

So, exactly who is Missing In Action from this year's State House Ballot?

Democrats are absent from the State House Ballot in 54 of 124 State House races for an MIA rate of 43.548%.

Republican are absent from the State House Ballot in 36 of 124 State House races for an MIA rate of 29.032%.

Since you need two candidate to have a real election, that means that Representative Democracy is effectively dead in most of South Carolina; 91/124 is 73.387% dead, to be exactly. Just browse on over to the fake ballots below to take a look.

So, what's the poor voter to do?

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